Kristine Grazioso, DMD
Kristine Grazioso, DMD is a pediatric dentist who has been a private practice owner since 1999. She successfully transitioned her business model from insurance based to insurance free in 2020. She is an advocate within the dental profession and is a founding member of the Alliance of Independent Dentists- Massachusetts and currently serves as its Vice President. This nonprofit organization advocates for independent dentists and patients legislatively, and educates dentists on the issues most important to private practice.
Dr Grazioso’s personal experience and knowledge will help you and your practice attain the highest level of customer service, which in turn can increase practice profitability. She will help you understand the data as it relates to your practice’s financial health. As a principal at Shero Dental Advisors, she will be hands-on throughout the advisement process.
Jill Tanzi, DDS
Jill Tanzi, DDS, a general dentist who graduated from the University of Maryland in 2000, started The Dentist at Hopkinton from scratch in 2003. She has always strived to have a top-notch, group practice and is focused on helping others achieve their goals. A founding member of the Alliance of Independent Dentists, she currently serves as its President. Advocating for independent, non-DSO practices is her passion.
Dr. Tanzi is a pro at thinking outside of the box and getting projects done. Whether you want to improve your office systems or customer service, she has a wealth of knowledge to share!
Stephanie Pecora, RDH
Stephanie Pecora, RDH has been in the dental field since she was 18. She started her career as a Dental Assistant and went on to become a Dental Hygienist in 2013. After practicing hygiene for 4 years, she took on the role of Office Manager of a large, privately owned dental office. She has a high level of understanding of how office finances work and continues to educate patients and train staff on the importance of high quality dental care.
Stephanie believes that excellent customer service and a wholesome understanding of a practice’s mission is the best recipe for success. At Shero Dental Advisors, we’re here to help you become your dental office’s best self!